Legal Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

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Legal Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

Legal Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

Lightman Law Firm LLC maintains this website strictly for informational purposes only and it is not intended, nor should it be relied upon, as a source of legal advice or opinion. The website does not create an attorney-client relationship, nor is it an offer for the creation of an attorney-client relationship. Furthermore, the website is not intended to solicit clients or advertise Lightman Law Firm LLC’s services.

The information provided on this website is not intended to substitute for the advice of an attorney. As the law changes constantly, content on this website may not reflect the current or complete state of the law. Lightman Law Firm LLC is not liable for the use or interpretation of information contained on this site, and expressly disclaims all liability for any actions you take or do not take, based on this site’s content.

Lightman Law Firm LLC does not intend for links on the website to be referrals or endorsements of the linked websites nor does Lightman Law Firm LLC take any responsibility for the content or accuracy of information contained on any linked website. Unless explicitly stated, Lightman Law Firm LLC is not affiliated with any particular linked website or entity.

Contacting Lightman Law Firm LLC does not create an attorney-client relationship. The use of this website for communications with the firm will not establish an attorney-client relationship. Information sent through Internet email or through this site is not secure and may not be confidential. Communication sent containing confidential or time-sensitive information is strongly discouraged.

None of the information provided through the website will be shared or sold with any other people or companies.

Our Immigration Insight

Arrivals: This Week in Immigration News (11.19.18 – 11.23.18)
Denial of Pending Advance Parole Applications
Arrivals: This Week in Immigration News (10.22.2018 – 10.26.2018)