Fairfax Asylum Lawyer

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People who are persecuted in their home countries may find their way into the United States through asylum. If you or your loved one finds themselves in this situation, you should strongly consider reaching out to a competent Fairfax asylum lawyer here at Lightman Law Firm at once. Contact us today to learn more about your situation and how we can assist you.

Fairfax Asylum Lawyer | Here to Help Asylum Seekers

The first thing you should understand is that not everyone qualifies for asylum. To qualify, you will have to prove that you suffered persecution in your home country, or that you will suffer persecution if you return to your home country, either because of your religion, race, membership in a social group, political opinion, or nationality. This is not always easy, but our Fairfax asylum lawyer is on your side. You can depend on us to fight for your right to a safe and productive life.

Applying for Asylum in the United States

It’s not always easy to request and receive asylum status here in the United States. If you have not yet been detained and wish to apply for asylum, you can do so “affirmatively” before USCIS. If you have already been detained and are currently facing removal proceedings, you will have to apply for asylum defensively. If we can prove that you truly qualify, it may prevent your deportation from the United States.

The first step is filing Form I-589. In this Form, you will have to include personal information regarding you and your family, as well as your reasoning for applying for asylum. From here, USCIS will take your fingerprints and you will have to attend an interview with a USCIS officer. You and your Fairfax asylum attorney will state your case as to why you qualify for asylum in the United States. If you are granted asylum, USCIS will send you a letter regarding the date when you must return to the Asylum Office and you will then be granted asylum.

In some cases, those who apply will be denied status as an asylee. In this case, you will have to attend a hearing at the Immigration Court, wherein a judge will determine whether you qualify for asylee status or you should be deported from the country. Our firm can help fight for your right to stay in the United States and remain free from persecution in your home country. At this point, if you’re granted asylum, you have a right to then file a Form I-730. This Form can allow certain family members to also be granted asylum in the U.S.

Green Card Eligibility in the United States

If you are someone who has been granted asylum, you may be eligible to receive a green card after one year of receiving your asylee status. Once this happens, you will be granted permanent residency. Our firm can help you apply for permanent residency, as doing so on your own may jeopardize your future in the United States. After receiving permanent residency, in the future, you may even be eligible to become a United States citizen.

Contact a Fairfax Asylum Lawyer

Being granted asylum here in the United States is a huge step for many, and if you are someone who is facing persecution in your home country, you shouldn’t hesitate to speak with a qualified attorney who can help ensure you and your family are protected from persecution. Contact Lightman Law Firm today to schedule your initial consultation with our competent legal team. We are here to help you in any way we can.

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